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The Book Shelf
Dispute Resolution
Following Airplane Crashes
by Elizabeth M. King, James P. Smith
Published 1988 by RAND
Paperback - xx, 56 pages 
ISBN: 0-8330-0899-4
Price:  $ 7.50 + postage
$1.13 Book Rate or $3.20 Priority Mail
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Following Airplane
 Institute for Civil Justice
40 years     1948-1988
Elizabeth M. King,
James P. Smith
Related reports are listed below.


Dispute Resolution provides a detailed analysis of the legal and economic issues faced by plaintiffs and defendants in major aviation accidents.  The report addresses claims, settlements, lawsuits and compensation differences and the reasons why cases settle early or not.  Variable characteristics of decedents, plaintiffs, defendants, accidents and legal environments are used to determine the probabilities of filing suit, going to trial and the duration of each case.  The authors discuss how air crash litigation differs from other tort situations, correlate case outcomes with economic losses while explaining the theory behind empirical models and their operations.

Dispute Resolution is one of six volumes studying aviation accident litigation available at RAND.  Other related reports include:
Costs and Compensation Paid in Aviation Accident Litigation
by James S. Kakalik, Elizabeth M. King, Michael Traynor, 
     Patricia A. Ebener, Larry Picus
Document No: R-3421-ICJ     Year: 1988     Pages: xxxii, 150 
ISBN: 0-8330-0909-5                   Cost: $ 10.00 + postage
This report describes the characteristics of the decedents and compares the compensation paid to their survivors with the levels of economic loss they suffered.  Compensation is also compared to the litigations expenses of both plaintiffs and defendants. 

Computing Economic Loss in Cases of Wrongful Death. 
by Elizabeth M. King, James P. Smith
Document No: R-3549-ICJ     Year: 1988     Pages: xxii, 124 
ISBN: 0-8330-0888-9                 Cost: $ 10.00 + postage
This report outlines the basic principles and procedures used in computing the economic loss associated with individual deaths.

Economic Loss and Compensation in Aviation Accidents. 
by Elizabeth M. King, James P. Smith 
Document No: R-3551-ICJ     Year: 1988     Pages: xxix, 126 
ISBN: 0-8330-0923-0                      Cost: $ 10.00 + postage
This report considers wrongful-death litigation resulting from aviation accidents. It describes the economic characteristics of the decedents and compares the compensation that beneficiaries actually received. 

Executive Summaries of the Aviation Accident Study. 
by James S. Kakalik, Elizabeth M. King, James P. Smith, M. Traynor, 
     Patricia A. Ebener, Larry Picus 
Document No: R-3684-ICJ     Year: 1988     Pages: vii, 64 
ISBN: 0-8330-0921-4                Cost: $ 7.50 + postage
This report summarizes the four detailed reports on aviation accident litigation as listed above.

Aviation Accident Litigation Survey: Data Collection Forms. 
by James S. Kakalik, Elizabeth M. King, Michael Traynor, 
     Patricia A. Ebener, Larry Picus 
Document No: N-2773-ICJ     Year: 1988     Pages: v, 85
Cost: $ 7.50 + postage
This document contains the forms used to compile the data used in the various reports listed above. 

RAND's website is  www.rand.org/
Clicking on the Search Abstract link at the bottom of Rand's home page will take you to
http://www.rand.org/Abstracts/ where you can enter the document numbers listed below to get a more detailed description.
R-3684     Executive Summaries of the Aviation Accident Study
R-3551     Economic Loss and Compensation in Aviation Accidents
R-3421     Costs and Compensation Paid in Aviation Accident Litigation
R-3549     Computing Economic Loss in Cases of Wrongful Death 
R-3585     Dispute Resolution Following Airplane Crashes 
N-2773     Aviation Accident Litigation Survey: Data Collection Forms 
New publications can be found at  http://www.rand.org/publications/electronic/index.html
Written by:  Mary Kahl
Board Liaison - United 232
E-mail:  MKahlcul8@aol.com

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