We need the TRUTH about April 10, 2010

April 8, 2015

April 10, 2015 is the Fifth Memorial for Smolensk, PLF101, a fatal crash that killed the President of Poland, Lech Kaczyňski, nine NATO Generals, and dozens of Polish Dignitaries, their wives, and friends.

It is outrageous that Smolensk is one of three fatal passenger flights that were apparently the result of the Russians:

  • Korean 007, September 1, 1983
  • Smolensk, PLF 101, April 10, 2015 and
  • Malaysia 17, July 17, 2014

We support the family members from these horrific disasters and their demands for independent investigations, full disclosure, and the TRUTH.  For Smolensk, we urge the global aviation organizations to demand a long overdue release of the black boxes.

Maria Szonert Binienda, representing the Smolensk Family Members said, “What should we do about putting blatant lies into the Russian transcript, and brutally dishonoring in front of the whole world our Polish members of the Armed Forces?”  These lies get repeated and we challenge the Russians to release the cockpit recorder and allow an international independent investigation to go forward.

We urge you to visit Smolensk Air Crash News to learn more or click the following links:

March 25, 2015 – “What Do We know? Five Years After the Smolensk Plane Crash.” Testimony at the European Parliament from YouTube

Go to YouTube for “Polish President Plane Crash, 10 April 2010, Smolensk Russia” for video from a dashboard recorder arriving on the crash scene. Note there are two videos and one includes digital enhancement with English subtitles. 

Timeline: “March to Death – Countdown to the Crash of Flight PLF101

Editorial from The Washington Times, “Different Airline Crash, Same Results

Our members know how important it is to know the TRUTH.  We urge the global aviation organizations to do the right thing, and create a true independent forum for the facts, release the material aircraft wreckage, and research regarding the Smolensk disaster. Rather than rely on changing transcripts — demand a long overdue release of the black boxes.

On behalf of our members worldwide,

Thank you! Matt

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